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IET football tournament’s out of this world

Added: 3 Aug 2023

Moon Rovers 2: Lunar United 3. While it sounds like Fantasy Football, it could be one day as feasib…

NPL and STFC collaborate on small satellite calibration facility

Added: 29 Jul 2023

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is partnering with the Science and Technology Facilities Cou…

Physics journal policy change opens door to original research

Added: 11 Jul 2023

One of the UK’s oldest science titles is to start publishing original research for the first time i…

Breakthrough recognition for science publishing’s invisible co-reviewers

Added: 25 Jun 2023

One of the science world’s leading publishers is taking a stand on behalf of hundreds of young rese…

Lucky 13 for expanded Lab Awards 2023

Added: 11 Jun 2023

One of the leading events to honour laboratory science, The Lab Awards, returns to Lab Innovations …

Sponge enables robot to crack the egg challenge

Added: 11 Jun 2023

Robots have demonstrated their efficiency over the human and manual approach in many areas but stil…

Metrology’s ‘house journal’ celebrates 100 not out

Added: 21 May 2023

The World’s oldest scientific instrumentation and measurement journal is celebrating a century of p…

Lab Innovations reports majority of exhibition space sold for 2023

Added: 14 May 2023

Trade show Lab Innovations says it has sold more than 84% of its exhibition space for this year, de…

UKRI minimum stipend to rise to £18.6k for academic year

Added: 6 May 2023

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has said its minimum stipend for funded doctoral students’ living…

‘Robocarp’ makes splash with motion breakthrough 

Added: 28 Apr 2023

A coil-powered robot fish designed by scientists at the University of Bristol could enhance underwa…

Bristol team help boost Chornobyl radiation monitoring

Added: 3 Apr 2023

Researchers from the University of Bristol will be part of the international team seeking to repair…

US space science's $3 million lift-off for school STEM booster

Added: 3 Apr 2023

NASA has allocated more than $3 million (£2.42 million) to a number of higher education colleges ac…

EU/UK flags

Northern Ireland deal appears to boost UK’s Horizon Europe hopes

Added: 1 Mar 2023

Prime minister Rishi Sunak’s achievement of an agreed new Northern Ireland protocol with his Europe…


Aston claims genome breakthrough with computer modelling

Added: 22 Jan 2023

Aston University claims to have achieved the first reconstruction of a virus with its complete geno…

REF results hammer home the importance of UK university-business collaboration

Added: 1 Jun 2022

The results of the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF) identify ‘world-leading’ and ‘interna…

Meet the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy

Added: 23 May 2022

Scientists have captured humanity’s first look at the supermassive black hole, called Sagittarius A…

Augmented Reality helps people live with Parkinson's disease

Added: 29 Apr 2022

A collaborative partnership has developed the World's First pair of Parkinson’s Walking Glasses, a …

Two millimetre optical microresonator will improve planetary landing success

Added: 21 Apr 2022

Smaller, they say, is better in space. A NASA-funded team led by SMU researchers think that their s…

Secret of antimatter creation in cosmic collisions revealed

Added: 14 Apr 2022

At the Quark Matter conference and Rencontres de Moriond conferences, the LHCb collaboration presen…

So... What is the point of physics? IOP is offering £1000 for the best answer!

Added: 7 Apr 2022

IoP launches a new challenge to get young people to see physics differently. With only one in ten p…