Life Sciences

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Blood thinner threatens to take the sting out of cobra’s deadly bite

CRISPR gene editing technology has enabled scientists at the University of Sydney and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to identify a popular blood thinner as a potential cheaper antidote to cobr…


Blood thinner threatens to take the sting out of cobra’s deadly bite

CRISPR gene editing technology has enabled scientists at the University of Sydney and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to identify a popular blood thinner as a potential cheaper antidote to cobr…

In Depth

Knowledge is power: In silico modelling of Covid-19

Scientific research takes time. But, as the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted, sometimes that’s a luxury scientists can’t afford, says ≈. Experimentation and data guide us to the ‘right’ decision based o…

Comment And Analysis

New lab... but is it operationally ready?

Lab space may be in short supply but don't neglect any element of the moving in process, urges Tes Adamou: the first step on arrival should be achieving the best state of operational readiness...


Evolving prostate cancer research with FFPE samples

Dr. Nallasivam Palanisamy of the Henry Ford Health System and Michigan State University and Dr. Han Wei of Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, who have been collaborating, together with their respective t…