Latest In Depth

Improving the luck of the horseshoe crab

Added: 21 Sep 2020

Following some recent media controversy, Allen Burgenson, and Glenn Gauvry update our original July…

Big data for understanding small molecules; a case study

Added: 25 Aug 2020

As big data continues to transform the industry must we remain so reluctant to share data? In her a…

Collaborate to accumulate

Added: 25 Aug 2020

Pharmaceutical research and development has historically been shrouded in mystery; a secretive acti…

Capturing clinical movement

Added: 7 Aug 2020

From gait analysis to neuroscience, Dr Kim Duffy illustrates how motion capture technology is being…

Beyond the code

Added: 22 Jul 2019

Genomics has been revolutionary – but have we forgotten cell biology in the push for an ever more r…

The secret microbiome

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 21 May 2019

Auto-immune disease, obesity and even cancer… the microbiome is clearly involved in much of human h…

Making a value judgement

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 7 May 2019

Bioethics has become a global endeavour – and a good thing too says Catherine Joynson. As we push t…

One at a time

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 29 Apr 2019

Watching biological processes one molecule at a time is an incredibly difficult task… but it is get…

An edit for good?

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 9 Apr 2019

Gene editing could allow incredible crop improvements, with the potential to reduce the harmful imp…

Making a human connection

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 25 Mar 2019

As organ-on-a-chip technology advances at pace, the next step is to connect them and understand a n…

Applications that make the cut

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 1 Feb 2019

There’s been a lot of news and hype about CRISPR, but what can it actually do?  Dr Bahri Karacay ta…

The necrosome and the killer zombie proteins

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 28 Jan 2019

As cell biologists gets to grips with the relatively recent discovery of non-apoptotic programmed c…

Liquid gold

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 21 Jan 2019

Seventy years ago, a research paper published in France went almost unnoticed, but its findings led…

A very complex disturbance

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 14 Jan 2019

Given what we know about how impactful humans have been on the environment, the idea that we actual…

Understanding battleground earth

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 8 Nov 2018

Falk Hildebrand takes through the first global study of the soil microbiome. This incredible intern…

The new ice age

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 22 Oct 2018

Cryo-storage is a multibillion-dollar industry, but surprisingly we are not very good at it. Here, …

The chips are down

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 9 Oct 2018

Is it really possible to recreate a human on a chip? That is the ultimate aim of organ on a chip te…

Seeing the whole picture

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 4 Sep 2018

What makes one patient different from another one? Answering this question is a fundamental prerequ…

Climbing Mt Peer Review: No shame in second place

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 16 Aug 2018

In the final of our three part special on the changing attitudes and approaches of publishers, revi…

Climbing Mt Peer Review: time to go clubbing?

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 30 Jul 2018

In the first of our three-part series on the changing attitudes and approaches of publishers, revie…