All Marine Biology

Improving the luck of the horseshoe crab

Added: 21 Sep 2020

Following some recent media controversy, Allen Burgenson, and Glenn Gauvry update our original July…

Laboratory News podcast - life on the back of a turtle with Dr Jeroen Ingels

Added: 5 Aug 2020

"I didn't realise that it is basically impossible to stop a turtle physically... it just rolls you …

The truth about turtles

Sarah Lawton | Added: 20 Jul 2020

A research team from Florida State University (FSU) has discovered a world of microscopic life on t…

Webinar: Accepting animal-free bacterial endotoxin testing

Added: 15 Jun 2020

European, US, Japanese and Chinese pharmacopeia will include a synthetic substitute for horseshoe c…

Illegal wildlife trading threatens all creatures great and small

Added: 29 May 2020

Besides being a major threat to biodiversity, the wildlife trade can be a cause of global public he…

Listen to the song of the Arctic unicorn (video)

Added: 27 May 2020

With the help of Inuit hunters, geophysicists recently recorded the various calls, buzzes, clicks a…

Satellites confirm largest macroalgae bloom

Added: 11 Jul 2019

Satellite observations have confirmed the largest bloom of macroalgae in the world, which has mostl…

Deep ocean garbage

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 15 May 2019

Plastic debris has been found in the deepest part of the ocean.!--more--

As part of The Five Deeps…

Radioactive carbon in deep ocean crustaceans

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 14 May 2019

Radioactive carbon released into the atmosphere from nuclear bomb tests more than 50 years ago has …

Pumping guts not heart keep sea spiders alive

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 9 Aug 2017

Researchers have discovered a scientific oddity – a sea creature that uses its gut, not its heart, …

New discovery turns coral development theory upside down

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 27 Jul 2017

Coral growth theory needs revisiting, after large numbers of colonies were discovered in areas once…

The rise of a shape-shifting animal revealed

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 12 Jul 2017

An international group of scientists have determined how some of the first large organisms were abl…

What came first, the sponge or the comb jelly?

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 4 May 2017

Scientists have reignited a zoology debate by claiming the earliest branch of the animal family tre…

Bacterial protection offers hope against coral degradation

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 28 Feb 2017

Coral reefs may be protected from bleaching by bacteria in certain microbiomes, according to resear…

The eyes have it for deep sea squid’s survival

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 23 Feb 2017

The first behavioural evidence for why a deep sea squid has developed an ocular oddity has been col…

Novel climate predictions aim to help save coral reefs worldwide

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 11 Jan 2017

A set of new climate model projections will enable conservationists to understand which coral reefs…

Research further explores coral-algae relationship

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 14 Nov 2016

An extensive study by researchers has revealed new insights on the relationship between Carribean c…

Epigenetics enabling fish survival

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 31 Oct 2016

A number of fish species are adapting to survive warmer oceans without genetic changes, according t…

Plankton’s survival dependent on climate change

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 21 Jul 2016

Climate change could jeopardise the viability of phytoplankton responsible for a tenth of the ocean…

Human marine activity causes cephalopod surge

qwbdchbctt.d qwbdchbctt.d | Added: 1 Jun 2016

Although human interaction has reduced the population of many marine organisms over recent years, i…