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Record quantum entanglement rates: A step closer to the Quantum Internet

Added: 2 Jun 2021

In a landmark step for quantum communications, researchers have achieved record entanglement rates …

EV design concept capable of 30% longer range

Added: 1 Jun 2021

Automotive innovation start-up has revealed a patented design concept for an electric vehicle capab…

Commercial quanta image sensors - a new era in solid-state imaging

Added: 27 May 2021

Solid-state technology capable of imaging individual photons of light to enable full-speed photon c…

UKRI funding to bring the public into the heart of five research projects

Added: 27 May 2021

UK Research and Innovation is encouraging people from across the UK to actively contribute to five …

First virtual symposium on quantum technology, semiconductors, and power generation

Added: 24 May 2021

Oxford Instruments plc is pleased to announce its first Virtual Symposium on Quantum Technology, Se…

X-ray Ptychography performed for first time at small-scale Laboratory Source

Added: 21 May 2021

X-ray ptychography has been used to perform high-resolution phase contrast diffraction imaging on s…

Declining work-life balance for scientific researchers, survey finds

Added: 27 Apr 2021

Reseachers are generally known for their dedication and the percieved norm is that many work for pa…

Recycled graphene from tyres can make more environmentally friendly concrete

Added: 8 Apr 2021

This could be where the rubber truly hits the road. Rice University scientists have optimised a pro…

Research points to a green energy system sooner than we'd hoped!

Added: 1 Apr 2021

Research shows solar photovoltaics are already cheaper, more innovative, and more integrated into t…

Jordan's water crisis should be a warning for the world

Added: 31 Mar 2021

It is very easy to take tap water for granted. But sobering predictions of recent research around J…

CERN results may violate the standard model of particle physics

Added: 23 Mar 2021

New results from CERN's Large Hadron Collider, beauty (LHCb) strengthen hints of a violation of lep…

Positive 'tipping points' offer hope for climate

Added: 22 Mar 2021

Climate change mitigation is forever a balancing act. Environmental experts are beginning to unveil…

A novel light harvesting engine strings buckyballs and chromophores on DNA

Added: 26 Feb 2021

Researchers have synthesised a novel type of organic light-harvesting supramolecule by arranging fl…

UK gov to launch Advanced Research & Invention Agency (ARIA)

Added: 23 Feb 2021

As part of its plans to cement the UK’s position as a global science superpower and build back bett…

ACHEMA live event postponed by nine months

Added: 18 Nov 2020

Further updates to our event horizon include a nine-month postponement of ACHEMA to April 2022, on …

Graphene researchers throw physics out the window

Added: 16 Nov 2020

A Manchester University graphene research team has just thrown the physics textbook out of the prov…

A step towards an environmentally friendly Lithium ion battery

Added: 13 Nov 2020

We all love the idea of an electric car and Elon Musk's Tesla is almost accessible to even a poorly…

Hybrid floating solar plus hydropower system

Added: 7 Oct 2020

Hybrid systems of floating solar panels and hydropower plants may hold the technical potential to p…

Science and scientists held in high esteem across the globe

Added: 1 Oct 2020

As the world looks to scientists and the research and development process to bring new treatments a…

Error forecasting for safer fusion energy

Added: 24 Sep 2020

Bringing the power of the sun to Earth requires sound theory, good engineering, and a little finess…