Cell Biology

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Crafoord Prize laureates honoured for autoimmune disease work

Darwin and Wallace, Newton and Leibniz, or Priestley, Scheele and Lavoisier – history provides numerous examples of scientists independently making breakthrough discoveries in the same area of resear…


Crafoord Prize laureates honoured for autoimmune disease work

Darwin and Wallace, Newton and Leibniz, or Priestley, Scheele and Lavoisier – history provides numerous examples of scientists independently making breakthrough discoveries in the same area of resear…

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E. coli K-12 turns 100 this year

While not your most obvious candidate for centenary celebrations, Brittany Niccum explains why we should commemorate the isolation of E. coli K-12 strain – arguably one of the most thoroughly studied…

Comment And Analysis

Biobanks: a vital investment in precision medicine

Despite limits in size and investment, biobanks such as Estonia’s are providing deeper understanding of the factors influencing public health and diseases, explains PacBio’s Neil Ward.


Evolving prostate cancer research with FFPE samples

Dr. Nallasivam Palanisamy of the Henry Ford Health System and Michigan State University and Dr. Han Wei of Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, who have been collaborating, together with their respective t…