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Outsmarting contaminants

Added: 25 Sep 2023

Time-consuming off-site manual testing is being supplanted in many areas by faster and greater capa…

Sustainably feeding the world with genomics-driven agriculture

Added: 5 Mar 2023

As cell meat manufacture develops in the lab, science is increasingly impacting arable farming in t…

From petri dish to dinner plate

Added: 27 Feb 2023

Lab grown meat is developing into a multibillion pound industry but scaling up has challenges, expl…

How food microbiology contract labs can drive sustainable impact

Added: 19 Jun 2022

Safe and trusted food is essential for the food industry to prosper — especially in today’s landsca…

Making an impact in remote laboratory research

Added: 16 Feb 2022

During Lab Innovations last November, Anna Cooper and Raymond Wong were delighted to pick up the ‘M…

How food and drink labs have adapted since COVID-19

Added: 27 Oct 2021

With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the mass stock-piling of food products like chicken…

Wheat field trial heralds UK acceptance of gene edited crops

Added: 13 Oct 2021

Post Brexit, the UK is free to make its own decisions around genetic editing of food crops based on…

Celebrating the improbable

Added: 13 Sep 2019

Another year, another heart-warming evening commemorating the silly, unusual and often random side …

Innovation in data collection

Added: 5 Jun 2019

There are many examples of product enhancements using improved design and or different materials to…

Brexit bomb

tpttbqtbbt.d tpttbqtbbt.d | Added: 15 May 2019

In the shifting sands of Brexit, there are some things of which we can be sure. And one of them fee…