Latest Comment And Analysis

Once more, with feeling

Added: 20 May 2024

AI has proven its worth as a research tool and now it’s time to tap its potential for clinical tria…

Translating to liquid assets

Added: 18 Mar 2024

Biotech ValiRx’s new spin-out prompted its evolution from a virtual operation to encompass wet labs…

Collaboration on life sciences – do we need the UK?

Added: 17 Apr 2023

Undoubtedly, yes, says Jan Wauters. The benefits to Britain and Europe are too great, he argues, an…

Simulated trials for better real-world outcomes

Added: 10 Oct 2022

Improvements in technology, as well as data capture and analysis have increased the effectiveness o…

The OOC alternative

Added: 28 Aug 2022

Microphysiological systems can be employed with the aim of providing a more accurate replication of…

Healthcare must learn from experience to combat global challenges for patients’ sake

Added: 22 Aug 2022

With nearly one in 20 of global drug trials affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it’s essential…

Improving contract lab efficiency and productivity through automation

Added: 29 Apr 2022

As demand for outsourced microbiological testing to assure the food value chain increases, contract…

The voice of the empowered patient is on the rise

Added: 22 Apr 2022

Industry experts agree that patient-centricity should be the overriding aim of global life science …

New antibiotic assessment mechanism to procure drugs to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Added: 20 Apr 2022

One of the UK’s leading infectious disease biotech companies has lauded the conclusions of a projec…

Making an impact in remote laboratory research

Added: 16 Feb 2022

During Lab Innovations last November, Anna Cooper and Raymond Wong were delighted to pick up the ‘M…

Applying digital technology and AI to compound management

Added: 9 Feb 2022

Sample management has changed enormously over the past 20 years. Steve Knight discusses the technol…

Estimate your probability of success with Bayesian statistics

Added: 18 Jan 2022

Don’t settle for approximations, make smart, risk-based economic decisions. Bruno Boulanger explain…

Accelerating R&D innovation in 2022 and beyond

Added: 3 Jan 2022

Accounting for pandemic drivers and a general acceptance that a return to pre-pandemic business hab…

A Million to One: Bridging the biomarker chasm from discovery to the clinic

Added: 21 Dec 2021

With so much research being published on biomarkers, yet so few companion diagnostic devices being …

Shaking up the lab of the future

Added: 15 Dec 2021

From testing and drug discovery to vaccine rollout, collaboration and open innovation have been vit…

Pharmaceuticals and the environment: how can the industry put its best foot forward?

Added: 22 Nov 2021

In recent years, it has become more and more important to both consumers and investors that they su…

At last digital transformation is embraced by the healthcare industry

Added: 18 Oct 2021

The future of healthcare that we envision in 2040 will be a world apart from the current status quo…

Adapting to growth in medical cannabis market

Added: 12 Oct 2021

In July 2021, proposals to liberalise the medicinal cannabis sector were put forward by UK governme…

What is AI’s role in the lab?

Added: 21 Sep 2021

In this article Gerald Law, one of this year’s exhibitors at Lab Innovations, evaluates the strengt…

Scientists urge swift action to prepare for next pandemic: calls for an Advanced Information System

Added: 7 Apr 2021

An international team of researchers led by Wladek Minor, a University of Virginia School of Medici…