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The rise of a shape-shifting animal revealed

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 12 Jul 2017

An international group of scientists have determined how some of the first large organisms were abl…

What came first, the sponge or the comb jelly?

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 4 May 2017

Scientists have reignited a zoology debate by claiming the earliest branch of the animal family tre…

Bacterial protection offers hope against coral degradation

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 28 Feb 2017

Coral reefs may be protected from bleaching by bacteria in certain microbiomes, according to resear…

The eyes have it for deep sea squid’s survival

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 23 Feb 2017

The first behavioural evidence for why a deep sea squid has developed an ocular oddity has been col…

Novel climate predictions aim to help save coral reefs worldwide

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 11 Jan 2017

A set of new climate model projections will enable conservationists to understand which coral reefs…

Research further explores coral-algae relationship

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 14 Nov 2016

An extensive study by researchers has revealed new insights on the relationship between Carribean c…

Epigenetics enabling fish survival

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 31 Oct 2016

A number of fish species are adapting to survive warmer oceans without genetic changes, according t…

Plankton’s survival dependent on climate change

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 21 Jul 2016

Climate change could jeopardise the viability of phytoplankton responsible for a tenth of the ocean…

Human marine activity causes cephalopod surge

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 1 Jun 2016

Although human interaction has reduced the population of many marine organisms over recent years, i…

Stretchy nerves help whales feed

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 5 Jun 2015

Zoologists have discovered that stretchy nerves allow whales to balloon their mouths to capture pre…

The oldest unevolved organism

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 20 Apr 2015

Scientists have discovered a deep-sea microorganism that shows no evidence of evolution in the last…

Deep sea root of marine evolution sparks controversy

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 11 Jun 2014

The deep ocean may have played a much bigger role in protecting marine diversity than first thought…

New insight into effect of pesticides on aquatic life

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 27 May 2014

Research by an international team of scientists has provided new insight into the effects of pestic…

Early arthropods evolved into filter feeders

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 31 Mar 2014

Newly discovered fossils of marine animal Tamisiocaris suggest the early arthropod evolved into sus…

Evolutionary grains of sand

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 6 Sep 2013

Evolutionary ecologists are using “grains of sand” to understand more about evolutionary processes.…

Oceanic turbulence affects marine food web

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 10 Dec 2012

Numerical simulations have shown for the first time that the movement of seawater can directly affe…

The sentinel sea cow

qwqcdhhcbc.d qwqcdhhcbc.d | Added: 29 Oct 2012

Manatees may reflect the quality of health in marine ecosystems according to a long-term, collabora…