All Earth & Environmental

Health in the round

Added: 2 May 2023

In the second of our features on key talks from the recent Lab Innovations’ My Green Lab/Laboratory…

‘Robocarp’ makes splash with motion breakthrough 

Added: 28 Apr 2023

A coil-powered robot fish designed by scientists at the University of Bristol could enhance underwa…

Wading with dinosaurs

Added: 24 Apr 2023

As the Natural History Museum hosts the first European display of Patagotitan, Brian J Ford resurfa…

Northumbria-led global polar team reveals shocking rise in ice sheet depletion

Added: 23 Apr 2023

The last decade saw seven of the worst cases of polar ice depletion, with 2019 ranked the most seri…

Fragrance industry scents trouble from EU substance reclassification

Added: 15 Apr 2023

European Union changes to chemicals legislation are a potential threat to the substantial fragrance…

Keener on greener

Added: 27 Mar 2023

Sustainability was the core of Lab Innovations’ MyGreenLab/Laboratory News seminar series. In the f…

Investing in futures

Added: 5 Mar 2023

It’s not only students who need to take placements seriously. Lab managers too must adopt a long-te…

Sustainably feeding the world with genomics-driven agriculture

Added: 5 Mar 2023

As cell meat manufacture develops in the lab, science is increasingly impacting arable farming in t…

EU/UK flags

Northern Ireland deal appears to boost UK’s Horizon Europe hopes

Added: 1 Mar 2023

Prime minister Rishi Sunak’s achievement of an agreed new Northern Ireland protocol with his Europe…

Southampton University’s featherweight plans knockout blow for space debris

Added: 15 Feb 2023

Southampton University researchers have successfully piloted the launch of a small scale plasma thr…

Scientific nesting places

Added: 6 Feb 2023

If the day job leaves little space to stay abreast of happenings in the lab world, Twitter does hav…

Rare mineral project offers means to tackle acid effect on ocean life

Added: 29 Jan 2023

Scientists at Heriot-Watt and Hamburg universities say they have developed a process to boost ocean…

Lowering the barriers to nitrate analysis

Added: 9 Jan 2023

Nitrogen pollution receives less environmental attention than it has merited, says Calum Preece, bu…

Harvard team uses rubber to mimic complex birdsongs

Call for targeted approach to boost bird-friendly farming

Added: 8 Jan 2023

Threatened farmland bird species would benefit from a more strategic investment of resources rather…

The Amazon is vital to the global ecosystem but it is nobody’s ‘lung’

Added: 17 Dec 2022

The rainforest makes a crucial contribution, says Brian J Ford but it does not produce the oxygen w…

Image integrity in academic papers

Added: 28 Nov 2022

Academic papers are the most important medium for introducing results to the scientific community, …

Millions of pounds of expired Covid PPE faces disposal, claims firm

Added: 22 Nov 2022

A surplus of personal protective equipment to deal with an expected third winter spike in Covid-19 …

Sustainability’s other R-words

Added: 20 Nov 2022

Environmental practice has its own version of the Three Rs, says Colin Shandley, so why stop at ‘Re…

View from the business end

Added: 7 Nov 2022

Tim Doggett explains the importance of sustainability for modern laboratories in terms of the wider…

Tech challenges hinder mountain water data gathering

Added: 7 Nov 2022

Global failure to make better use of the latest monitoring technologies for high altitude water dat…