Latest Comment And Analysis

The evolution of CRISPR cell line technology

Added: 6 Aug 2024

CRISPR technology’s initial applications were primarily focused on targeted genome editing, but its…

A matter of scale

Added: 22 Jul 2024

Funding support and infrastructure are needed to bring bio-based products and processes to market a…

Casting light on the matter

Added: 4 Jun 2024

Instrument manufacturer Waters Corporation has teamed up with the University of Surrey to provide s…

Future Labs Live 2024: Digital, automated, connected

Added: 4 Jun 2024

Basel braces for anything up to 3,000 innovators, industry leaders and practitioners attending the …

Six degrees of separation

Added: 20 May 2024

Labs play an essential role in advancing sustainability in the wider world but they need to tackle …

The evolution of CRISPR cell line technology

Added: 22 Apr 2024

CRISPR technology’s initial applications were primarily focused on targeted genome editing, but its…

Look to your assets

Added: 15 Apr 2024

Waste reduction or recycling is usually the focus for driving greener practice in the lab but what …

Honing in on the chemical lab

Added: 15 Apr 2024

This year’s version of the CHEMUK show is the largest ever but it also has an enhanced focus on the… Bodge it, Badger

Added: 2 Apr 2024

Given the realities of working life, a bodge job can beat the company’s purchasing protocols, advis…

Identity crisis?

Added: 18 Mar 2024

When the Royal Society of Chemistry began to tackle the barriers to disabled entrants to the profes…

Translating to liquid assets

Added: 18 Mar 2024

Biotech ValiRx’s new spin-out prompted its evolution from a virtual operation to encompass wet labs…

A vision beyond gold

Added: 11 Mar 2024

Little more than a year since its win at the Lab Awards, Cytecom has secured an NIHCR contract to t…

Unravelling the secrets of RNA

Added: 4 Mar 2024

Advancing scientific knowledge of plant structures not only improves crop yields but also helps tre…

Farm to gutter: Genomic surveillance to track AMR

Added: 4 Mar 2024

Governments are waking up to the dangers presented by antimicrobial resistance but the focus on cli…

Starry, starry night

Added: 5 Feb 2024

After just three years, the Lab Awards has come of age with a standalone event, a record number of …

Scents-ibly sustainable

Added: 8 Jan 2024

Rather than plundering scarce natural resources, Glasgow University scientists Hua Wang and Sofia S…

Turning down the heat

Added: 4 Dec 2023

Selecting the right cold storage for academic laboratories is a challenge, acknowledges Rob Fowler,…

Sound of the City

Added: 14 Nov 2023

Government hopes to drive UK growth through the life sciences depend upon commercial as well as pub…

Walking the talk

Added: 30 Oct 2023

It’s easy to sign up to greener practice in principle but how do life sciences firms prove they del…

Lab Innovations 2023: sustainable solvent selection

Added: 9 Oct 2023

While much discussion around sustainability has focused on the energy efficiency of instruments and…