Bacteria point the way for sustainable space power
18 Nov 2024

An international research project involving scientists from Heriot-Watt University has found inspiration from some of Earth’s simplest life forms, in order to harness solar energy for space travel.
Their aim is the creation of technology capable of converting sunlight into laser beams, to aid power transmission over distances. They hope to mirror the way that bacteria and other organisms employ photosynthesis.
If successful, their innovative technology could help global space agencies to power future endeavours like lunar bases or missions to Mars, as well as open new pathways for terrestrial wireless power transmission and sustainable energy solutions globally.
UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) agency Innovate UK is combining with the European Innovation Council to joint fund the €4 million APACE project, using personnel from the UK, Italy, Germany and Poland to create efficient power for the expansion in space-based activity.
Starting in the laboratory, the scientists will seek to extract the light-harvesting machinery from bacteria conditioned for extreme low light environments – whose molecular antenna structures capture and use the majority of light photons received. They plan to develop artificial versions and laser materials compatible with natural and artificial light-harvesters.
The plan is that this would have potential for replication in space, distributing power without an electric intermediary. APACE has a target of developing its first prototype ready for testing by around 2027.
Leading the theoretical modelling for the APACE is professor Erik Gauger from Heriot-Watt’s Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences at University, who acknowledged that the challenge involved in creating sustainably generated of power in space, without using perishable components.
He described the project as “piggybacking on functionality that already exists in the photosynthetic machinery of bacteria” to achieve a breakthrough.
“Regular sunlight is usually too weak to power a laser directly, but these special bacteria are incredibly efficient at collecting and channelling sunlight through their intricately designed light harvesting structures, which can effectively amplify the energy flux from sunlight to the reaction centre by several orders of magnitude,” explained Gauger.
"This technology has the potential to revolutionise how we power space operations, making exploration more sustainable while also advancing clean energy technology here on Earth. All major space agencies have lunar or Mars missions in their plans and we hope to help power them.”
Pic: Pixabay