Podcast: Biophilic building with Robert Hopkins
15 Feb 2021

Derived in 1964 by the social psychologist Erich Fromm, ‘biophilia’ means to love life. Taking over the Laboratory News podcast series from the much missed Phil Prime, Sarah Lawton talks to architect Robert Hopkins, asking him to expand on how the application of biophilic design and sensor-led monitoring systems can aid human resilience in an indoor work environment...
When we're indoors we crave the outdoors, and so this can manifest itself in stress, in the performance of our brains and in our emotions and our mood. Biophilic design aims to address this by increasing resilience and creativity, reducing stress, and improving cognitive performance, mood and emotions by seeking to provoke humankind's innate biological connections with nature within building and space design.
Read the associated article and the follow up article on how to apply biophilic principles to improve your own remote working office.